The P4G achieved a number of milestones in 2023; please download our 2023 Annual Report to learn more and see what’s upcoming in 2024!
The Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth (P4G) includes political and administrative representation from the partnering municipalities of:
The P4G was formed to bring a collaborative and coordinated approach to intermunicipal growth including land use, population, transportation, utilities, services and finances. The first tangible step in this direction was the endorsement of the P4G regional plan by the partner municipalities in 2017.
To formalize and implement this new regional framework, the partners worked towards establishing a new P4G Planning District, which replaced the former Corman Park – Saskatoon Planning District which was disbanded in December 2021.
The P4G Planning District received provincial ministerial approval to be established on January 1, 2022.
The latest projections show the P4G region nearing a population of 500,000 in the next 20 years. Given the economic climate, we anticipate our region could achieve a population of 1 million in the next 60 years. We want our region to be ready for growth, to enable economic prosperity for everyone, and support the quality of life that we enjoy.
This has reinforced the need for a more coordinated approach to regional planning and servicing which is why the P4G utilizes a number of committees to help implement our regional vision and principles.
The P4G Planning District Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw establish a coordinated approach to development of the region.
May 8, 2024
Saskatchewan Economic Development Alliance Award 2022 SK Municipal Award Video – P4G PartnershipJune 5, 2023
Media Release – 2022 SK Municipal Award WinnerP4G Market Study
The P4G is undertaking a regional market study from May 2023-2024. The regional market will include phased recommendations recognizing the long term growth projections for the P4G. Some of the other information will include:
For more information please contact us.
The P4G District Planning Commission (DPC) meets on a monthly basis to hear recommendations on development applications and receive updates on regional projects.
Agendas and Minutes for past and upcoming P4G DPC meetings can be found in the Agenda Centre on the Corman Park website.
April 3, 2024
P4G 2022 Annual ReportFebruary 13, 2023
P4G 2021 Annual ReportMarch 11, 2022
P4G 2020 Annual ReportMay 28, 2021
P4G 2019 Annual ReportApril 28, 2020
P4G 2018 Annual ReportApril 15, 2019
P4G 2017 Annual ReportMarch 5, 2018
P4G 2016 Annual ReportFebruary 22, 2017
P4G 2015 Annual ReportJanuary 21, 2016
P4G 2014 Annual ReportFebruary 17, 2015
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