The P4G organizational chart includes a number of committees and commissions to discuss regional issues to help ensure effective intermunicipal collaboration.

Regional Oversight Committee

The role of the Regional Oversight Committee (ROC) is to make recommendations to the partnering municipal Councils on the regional work plan, budget and strategic plan priorities.

The ROC is comprised of 10 members – two elected officials from each municipality. One of the representatives must be the Reeve or Mayor.

ROC meetings are not open to the public.

District Planning Commission

The role of the District Planning Commission (DPC) is to make recommendations to the partnering municipal Councils on development applications in the P4G Planning District. The DPC is a recommending body only; any final decisions on development applications are made by the municipal Councils, or the province, as required.

The DPC is comprised of 13 members – two representatives from each municipality (one of which must be an elected official), as well as three jointly appointed public members.

DPC meetings are open to the public and also streamed online via zoom. DPC meetings are typically held the first Tuesday of every month at 12:00 p.m. in the Corman Park Council Chambers.

Agendas and Minutes for past and upcoming DPC meetings can be found on the Corman Park website in the Agenda Centre.

If you would like to speak to a DPC agenda item or make a delegation, please contact us.

Differences between ROC and DPC

This roles and responsibilities chart illustrates the differences between the committees.

If you have questions about the P4G committees, please contact us.