The role of the P4G District Planning Commission (DPC) is to make recommendations to the P4G member municipal Councils on planning and development applications in the P4G Planning District. The DPC also discusses current planning issues affecting the P4G Planning District, provides feedback on concept plans or other studies, and reviews the District Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw for suggested textual or mapping amendments.
The DPC is not an approving authority, any final decisions on planning and development applications are with the municipal Councils, or the province, as required. The DPC is a recommending body only.
The DPC is comprised of 13 representatives:
Of the two municipal members, one is required to be an elected official. The other may be another elected official, or a member selected by that municipality using their committee appointments policies. One joint member appointment is renewed annually by the P4G. If you are interested in participating on the DPC please contact us.
Non-voting members that attend the DPC meetings to provide advice and recommendations include planning staff members from the P4G member municipalities, the P4G Executive Director and sometimes provincial staff such as representatives from the Ministry of Highways.
The DPC is chaired a DPC member selected annually by the commission, with support to the DPC provided by the DPC Secretary, who is a member of the Corman Park planning department. Corman Park helps administer the day-to-day administrative functions, such as review of planning and development applications, on behalf of the P4G Planning District.
If you have specific questions about development, zoning or planning application processes please contact the Corman Park planning department.
Typically, DPC meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at 11:45 a.m. in the Corman Park Council Chambers. The meetings are open to the public and streamed online via zoom. If you would like to speak to an agenda item or make a delegation please contact us.
Agendas and Minutes for past and upcoming DPC meetings can be found on the Corman Park website in the Agenda Centre. The meeting will include the zoom log in information if required.