The role of the P4G Planning & Adminisiative Committee (PAC) is to make recommendations to the P4G Regional Oversight Committee (ROC) on the annual work plan and budget. The PAC also provides managerial support to the District Planning Commission Administrative Working Group (DPCA) on pressing planning and development issues affecting the P4G Planning District.
The PAC is not an approving authority or decision-making body like a municipal Council, any recommendations must first go to the ROC or District Planning Commission, as required. The PAC is an administrative working group.
The PAC is comprised of at least one senior planning or administrative representative from each partnering P4G municipality, such as a Chief Executive Officer or Director of Planning. The PAC is chaired by the P4G Executive Director.
Typically, the PAC meetings are held monthly. The meetings are not open to the public as they are administrative working meetings. If you have questions about the PAC please contact us.