The role of the P4G Regional Oversight Committee (ROC) is to make recommendations to the partnering municipal Councils on the annual P4G work plan and budget, important regional issues and the necessary resources to achieve the P4G vision, principles and strategic direction.
The ROC is not an approving authority, any recommendations must go to the municipal Councils for decision as required. The ROC is a recommending body only.
The ROC is comprised of two elected officials, along with an alternate from each partnering P4G municipality. One of the representatives must be the Reeve or Mayor.
Other senior administrative representatives from each partnering P4G municipality attend ROC, such as a Chief Executive Officer or Director of Planning, but they attend in an advisory capacity only to assist the ROC members.
The ROC is chaired by a ROC member selected annually by the committee, and support to the ROC is provided by the P4G Executive Director.
Typically, the ROC meetings are held every second month. The meetings are not open to the public as they are strategic, intermunicipal working meetings. However, any recommendations affecting project approvals, annual work plans or budgets, etc. are provided to municipal Councils as part of the public agenda.
If you have questions about the ROC please contact us.